Boulder Mountain Tour 2024
Nathan Schultz
Wax Service/Testing
Boulder Nordic Sport is not providing local testing or wax service for the Boulder Mountain Tour. We can wax skis out of the Boulder shop. Please bring skis in at least 24 hours in advance of when you need to pick them up.
Weather Forecast
click here for latest weather forecast from NOAA
Hourly Forecast
Wax Recommendation
The Boulder Mountain Tour is a fluor-free wax event. Event website
Base Glide Layer
Rode Graphite R100G -or- Holmenkol Syntec FF 21
Application: Iron in at recommended iron temp, let cool, scrape, brush with fine steel or bronze/brass brush.
Race Paraffin Layer
Rode R30 Violet -or- Holmenkol Syntec FF Red
Rode Endurance Racing Glider mixed 1:1 with Rode R30 Violet
Lower-price option: Holmenkol Beta Mix Red or Rode R30 Violet
Application: Iron in at recommended iron temperature, let cool (10-15min), scrape with a plastic scraper, brush with fine steel or bronze/brass, then polish with nylon or horsehair brush.
Fluor-free powder will help with durability, speed and dirt repulsion. It is probably not worth it for shorter races.
Application: (apply powder over race paraffin, before topcoat)
- Sprinkle powder on liberally to coat the base.
- Iron in at recommended iron temperature.
- Let cool. 10-15 minutes should be adequate.
- Scrape powder off, then brush with stiff nylon, followed by horsehair.
View a video on powder application (video is for fluoro powders, but the application is the same for fluor-free powders)
Rode Racing Liquid (RL) Med -or- Holmenkol FF1 Red Liquid
lower-price option: Holmenkol FF2 Liquid Red
Application: Apply liquid on brushed ski, allow to dry, polish with a roto wool, roto fleece, or felt brush/cork. The liquid layer should be the final wax layer (over paraffin layer or powder layer).
Structure will be an important part of the race, especially with the possibility of warm snow falling. Start with a medium stone grind S2.2 or C2.2 (classic). Add a single pass of the Holmenkol cross structure tool with both rollers.
Kick Wax
Check back closer to the event for updated Kick wax recommendation
We will update this recommendation Thursday evening and Friday morning after testing on-site.
Race/Application Notes
This is an unusual Boulder Mountain Tour with a warm forecast and likely new snow and relatively high temps. We like Rode Endurance as an option for this race due to its broad range and ability to handle both wet and cold snow.
It is always a good idea to have a second pair of skis waxed a bit colder when we see forecasts like this for the Boulder Mt Tour. We've seen wet snow and rain before, but we've also been burned by warm forecasts that have gone colder.