We are pleased to offer free wax clinics at our Boulder location Wednesday nights at 6:15pm from Dec 1 through mid-March(ish). Occasional wax clinics and events are offered at our BNS East in Portland, Maine as well. Check out our events page for dates, times, and details.
BNS Events Page
Free Wax Clinics—Bring Your Skis!
Want an easy way to dive into the intimidating world of cross-country ski waxing? For 2024-2025, join us most Wednesday nights throughout the winter to learn how easy it is to care for your skis and extract the highest performance from them. Explore the fundamentals of glide waxing with an iron as well as liquid waxes, kick waxing, and ski cleaning. RSVPs are not mandatory but appreciated. Please RSVP for the weekly wax clinic here.
Our clinics kick off with an instructional session led by an expert BNS staff member. We will cover the basics and advanced techniques emphasizing simplifying the process and showing you where you can be most efficient with your time. If there's a particular skill you're eager to acquire, make it known at the start of the session!
Following the how-to session, participants are encouraged to work on their own equipment, with our experienced staff on hand to offer guidance and answer any questions. BNS supplies wax tables, irons and tools; participants provide their own wax and cleaning products, which can be brought from home or purchased at the clinic.
Special Events
Occasionally, in place of our usual clinic, we will host a special event. These can range from clinics led by guest wax technicians to advanced clinics for those wishing to learn about high-level race service to the ever-popular (ladies only) Wine, Women & Waxing night. See details on our events page. These events are generally free-of-charge, but a courtesy RSVP is often requested.