Boulder Nordic Sport 2024-03-06

Nathan Schultz
Spring ski care, warm klisters, closeout sale & more!
News From Boulder Nordic Sport

From the Blog: Keeping Your Skis Clean in the Spring

As most of you undoubtedly know, spring skiing can be some of the best of the year. The air is warm, the sun is high, and the snow is often pretty fast. Heck, depending on where you are, there might even be some crust cruising in the near future. However, there is one somewhat unique challenge that comes with this glorious part of the season: dirty snow.

As the snowpack starts to recede in the spring, dirt and debris that has accumulated all season long begin to collect on the top layer of the snow. That is to say, the more the snowpack melts, the dirtier the running surface of the snow becomes. While it may not always be apparent, it's there.

Why does dirty snow matter? It makes your skis slow! Having the correct wax and structure is always important, but having clean skis is an underrated part of ski care that is particularly important in the spring. As you ski over dirty snow, your bases pick up all sorts of minute residue that will reduce their performance over time. Think about all the stuff you see falling to the forest floor in the you really want that in your otherwise well-cared-for ski bases?!

Read more on the BNS Blog...
Read on the Blog
Remember all that fancy gear you've been drooling over but thought was too expensive? It's on sale! It's been a tough snow season, and we've got to make room for next year's gear, so we're having one of our biggest blowouts ever!

Check it out now, because the sale only applies to what's left in stock. Once it's's gone! 
  • 30-50% OFF Select Boots
  • 20% OFF Select Skis
  • 40% OFF All Jackets, Vests & Midlayers
  • 30% OFF Gloves & Base Layers
  • 20% OFF Pants & Hats
Hurry, this sale ends March 15
Salomon S/Lab Carbon Skate Ski 2023-2024
Salomon S/Lab Carbon Skate Ski 2023-2024
Rossignol X-Ium Skating Premium+ Ski S2 Medium 2023-2024
Rossignol X-Ium Skating Premium+ Ski S2 Medium 2023-2024
Rossignol X-ium Carbon Premium+ Skate Boot 2023-2024
Rossignol X-ium Carbon Premium+ Skate Boot 2023-2024
Salomon S/Lab Carbon Skate Prolink Boot 2023-2024
Salomon S/Lab Carbon Skate Prolink Boot 2023-2024

BNS Magazine 2023-2024

Well, it's a lot late, but there is some good stuff in here that we wanted to get out while there is still snow on the ground. The 23-24 BNS Magazine is digital only and can be downloaded from our website as a PDF or viewed directly in a browser. Check it out and share it! We will have another edition with more awesome articles out soon.

View Online
Download the PDF

photo: Tobias Albrigtsen

View the 2023-2024 BNS Magazine

From the Blog: Waxing with Warm Klisters

By Roger Knight

One of the most challenging things to do in warm, wet snow is to get sufficient kick AND glide on classic days. Klister can be a mystery even to people who have used it for years. The weather and snow are constantly changing, and much like in all waxing, when you think you have finally figured out the solution, you likely have not.

Klister's use in warm weather comes down to matching the texture and ingredients of the klister with the snow type and amount of moisture present. When things get really warm and wet, everything kicks in, and you are searching for speed. On other rarer occasions, usually when rain is falling, or the tracks are completely saturated, a kicking klister is what you are looking for. These days can be frustrating and frantic, so the best practice is to have the right klisters and a plan of attack as the day progresses.

Read more on the BNS Blog...

Read on the Blog
Check out our recommendations for this weekend's Snow Mountain Stampede!
Stampede Classic Recommendations
Stampede Skate Recommendations

Last Waxing Clinic of the Season!

Join us for our last wax clinic of the season at our Boulder location beginning at 6:15 pm. Learn the basics of glide waxing with an iron, kick-waxing, and ski cleaning. Clinics start out with a how-to session led by an experienced BNS staff member. If there's anything specific you'd like to learn about, please be sure to let us know at the beginning of the session.

After the presentation, attendees are encouraged to work on their own equipment under the watch of our seasoned staff. Tools and wax tables are provided; wax can be brought from home or purchased the night of the clinic. We hope to see you there!

Get a Level 2 Bike Tune-Up at a Level 1 price!
(save $75!)

Level 1 Service Items
  • Full frame and wheelset wipedown
  • Precision adjustment of brakes, derailleurs, and bearing interfaces
  • Wheel true
  • Inspection of bolts and proper torque
  • Lubrication of chain and cables
Level 2 Service Items
  • Complete drivetrain disassembly: chain, cassette, crankset, and derailleurs removed and cleaned in the heated parts washer
  • Precision adjustment of brakes, derailleurs, and bearing interfaces
  • Check tire pressure and sealant level if applicable
  • Clean and polish frame, wheels, and tires
  • Inspect all bolts for proper torque
  • Lube chain and cables
  • 50% off additional labor (bearing replacement, cable installation, etc.)
Special valid at both Boulder Cycle Sport locations. Call 303-444-2435 for details!
Getting out on your bike, too? Our sister shop has great deals on Shimano pedals!

Also get into our North Boulder store for bike service specials through Feb 29!
Shop Shimano pedals
BNS Locations
Boulder, CO
629K S Broadway St,
Boulder, CO 80305

Portland, ME
30 Olympia St
Portland, ME 04103

Boulder, CO:
629 S Broadway, Suite K
M-F 10-6 • Sat 10-5 • Sun 12-5
Portland, Maine:
30 Olympia St
 M, W, Th 10-5:30 • Tu 12-5:30 • Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-2 • Sun By Appt
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