'24-'25 Product Updates: Madshus
Big changes are afoot at Madshus for next season, some more visible than others. Madsus' penchant for out-of-the-box thinking and product innovation keeps the brand relevant and competitive while remaining distinctively unique.
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From The Blog:
Ski Picking: From the Factory Floor to Your Feet
We often extol the virtues of hand-selected skis, such as high absolute-quality and condition-specific characteristics. The benefits of skis picked directly from the manufacturer are undeniable, and it's a process we've been championing for almost two decades. In fact, our success has inspired several of our competitors to adopt a similar approach. But what does a ski picking trip truly entail?
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It's almost ski picking season!
Now Accepting Ski Orders for Fall 2024
For nearly two decades, BNS staff have traveled to custom-select skis for our customers directly from the manufacturers. For no additional cost, customers who order in the spring get a pair of skis that are evaluated for outstanding quality and picked with a specific individual and their specific needs in mind. Just like a World Cup skier.
Call 877-BNS-SKIS to discuss your needs and get your next favorite pair on order. Do it soon, though, because once our staff are on the plane to Europe, the window is closed for another year. Deadline is a little later this year, June 1, but don't wait until the last minute. Get it done while you still remember everything about your skis from this season!
Madshus Redline Skate X Boot
Rode Endurance 180g
Of all the waxes we sell, this one gets used the most. Many people now tell us they buy their favorite green wax or Cold Powder and only run Endurance as their other all-temp race wax. At the recently concluded Junior Nationals in Lake Placid, a very prominent team said they were testing four full lines of paraffin, and Rode Endurance won every single test all week long! High praise for this one. Rode has informed us the price is going up on this wax next year as well, so grab it on the super sale now!
Regular Price-$55, SALE-$40!
Rode Roto Merino Wool
This is the BEST way to force liquid waxes deeper into the structure and improve durability and speed. You can always use an additional one or two clean wools, so grab them at the sale and be set for next year!
Regular Price-$95, SALE-$60!
Rode WC Kick Pack
Get one each of the legendary Rode WC kickers: B310, B17, BV15. These are usually the first waxes we try, and they are always in the mix. Buy them on the cheap now and be set for race kick next year!
Regular Price-$117, SALE-$85!
Rode Racing Endurance Glider 180g
Rode Roto Brush Merino Wool 10cm
Check out the latest news from our sister company, Boulder Cycle Sport!
Boulder, CO:
629 S Broadway, Suite K
M-F 10-6 • Sat 10-5 • Sun Closed
We will re-open Sundays May 5
Portland, Maine:
30 Olympia St
M, W, Th 10-5:30 • Tu 12-5:30 • Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-2 • Sun By Appt